
How Does It Work?

MOXI™ treatment by Sciton is a non-ablative fractional laser designed for skin rejuvenation, targeting signs of aging and sun damage with minimal downtime. It is as suitable for patients looking to maintain a youthful appearance and just beginning to notice skin changes as it is for patients who have signs of more advanced skin aging.

MOXI™ uses a non-ablative 1927nm wavelength laser that targets water in the skin, creating controlled micro-injuries to the skin without damaging the surface. This stimulates the body’s natural healing process, promoting collagen production and skin renewal. Due to it’s gentle nature, MOXI™is safe for all skin types, including deeper skin tones.

The Procedure

Our Aesthetician will begin by applying numbing cream over the treatment areas, after a specified period of time, the cream is removed and the skin is gently cleansed.

The treatment area is then mapped and individualized treatment settings are programmed, targeting your specific skin concerns. The treatment starts by rolling the MOXI™ handpiece directly over the skin. This process is continued until the uniform coverage and the predetermined amount of energy has been delivered to the treatment areas. Once the process is complete, BENEV™ exosomes is applied, further amplifying the treatment results and shortening post-procedural healing time.

The typical treatment last about 45 minutes (not including numbing time, unless additional areas are requested).

The Result

Even with the best skin care, skin will inevitably and naturally start to show signs of aging. MOXI™ is a great choice for those who are starting to see early signs of aging as well as those who are seeing more advanced signs of aging but want a minimal downtime treatment. MOXI™ corrects these issues while addressing the appearance of:

  • Signs of aging including fine lines and wrinkles
  • Loss of skin firmness
  • The appearance of enlarged pores and texture
  • Pigmentation and uneven skin tone from sun damage

For those with more advanced signs of aging, doing a series of 3-4 treatments is recommended spaced 4-6 weeks apart for optimal results, followed by yearly maintenance.


Closeup of woman's cheek before Moxi treatment


Closeup of woman's cheek after Moxi treatment


You’ll feel some tingling and warmth during treatment. Discomfort is minimized by the numbing cream applied prior to starting the procedure. You will have redness and swelling similar to a sunburn, which typically subsides within a few days. Peeling and flaking of the skin will also occur during this time as the skin heals and regenerates. Most of your normal activities can resume 24 hours after treatment, with careful attention needed to avoid direct sunlight or harsh skin products such as exfoliants or retinoids for the first several weeks. It is important to follow the prescribed post-care routine to make the healing process as smooth as possible. Though this sounds quite similar to the recovery from a HALO, it is actually quite a bit easier.

This really depends on the starting condition and type of your skin. In patients with very little signs of aging or who are just trying to perfect texture or tone and achieve “the glow,” one treatment is often sufficient. If you have more advanced signs of aging, 3 treatments done 4-6 weeks apart can make a huge impact on the appearance of your skin.

Depending on the number and size of the areas being treated, the whole process typically takes around 45 minutes, not including numbing time.

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